Village of Palisades Municipal Code of Ordinances, Adopted December 8, 2020
- Energas
1A. Atmos Energy - Establishing secretary position
- Establishing treasurer position
- Length of time Ordinances posted in Village
- Prohibiting discharge of firearms or hunting or trapping
5A. Discharging firearms - Southwestern Public Service
6A. Southwestern Public Service - Establish boundaries of Palisades
- Regulating domestic animals, birds and pets
8A. Regulating domestic animals, birds and pets
8B. Regulating domestic animals, birds and pets
8C. Regulating domestic animals, birds and pets
8D. Regulating animals, birds and pets
8E. Regulating animals, birds and pets - Regulating and controlling intentional burning
9A. Regulating and controlling intentional burning
9C. Regulating and controlling intentional burning
9D. Regulating and controlling intentional burning - Governing two, three and 4 wheel motor vehicles or engine bikes
10A. Governing two, three and 4 wheel motor vehicles or engine bikes
10C. Governing two, three and 4 wheel motor vehicles or engine bikes
10D. Governing motor driven vehicles
10E. Governing motor driven vehicles
10F. Governing motor driven vehicles - Prohibiting pollution and erosion
11A Prohibiting pollution and erosion
11B. Prohibiting pollution and erosion
11C. Maintain proper sanitation and maintain property
11D. Maintain proper sanitation and maintain property - Regulating fireworks
12A. Regulating fireworks - Flood damage prevention
13A. Flood damage prevention
13B. Flood damage prevention
13C. Flood damage prevention - Prohibiting growth of grass, weeds, brushes, etc.
14A. Prohibiting growth of grass, weeds, brushes, etc.
14B. Prohibiting growth of grass, weeds, brushes, etc. - Southwestern Bell Telephone
- Terms of Office
16A. Terms of Office - Judge of Municipal Court
- Prohibiting Trespassing
- Permits for Structures
19A. Permits for structures
19B. Permits for structures
19C. Permits for structures - Abandoned and junked motor vehicles
- Curfew of minors
- Emergency Management
- Abolition of marshal and formation of department of public safety
23A. Abolition of marshal and formation of department of public safety
23B. Police department personnel - Municipal courts building security fund
- Records management program
- Load limits on municipal roads
26A. Load limits on municipal roads - Code enforcement inspector and permit clerk
27A. Code enforcement inspector and permit clerk - Atmos energy grip rate adjustment
- Atmos energy rate review mechanism
- Prohibiting hunting or trapping wild animals
- Prohibiting burning of grass, weeds, trees